Magical Transportation

Magical Transportation

Ninety Nine percent of all journeys taken by wizards are achieved without magic. Modern non-magical transport can provide all the speed, comfort and facility that is needed without the need to employ magic. However wizards can supplement ordinary means of transport and use their own power to transport themselves from place to place. An individual wizard does this in one of three ways.

Gossamery is the ability of a wizard to dissociate his or her being into fractal dimensions. If the dissociation is controlled properly a wizard may dissociate in one spot and re-form in another thus providing him or her with a means of transportation. A more comprehensive examination of Gossameric Transport is available by following the link.

Broomsticks have been a traditional method of wizard transportation since the middle ages. The theory of broomstick travel is simple; the broomstick is the focus of a magical field that is similar to that of a hang glider except that the field can be cotrolled directly by a witch or wizard. In recent times travelling cloaks have become more popular. These operate on a similar priciple as broomsi.e. crating a lifing body form however they are much more convenient to carry about and are less obvious in urban environments.

Adapted non-magical artefacts.

Any coverage of magical transportation would not be complete without the mention of the non-magical artefacts that have been adapted by wizards to have enhanced behaviour or performance.
There are numerous reports that automobiles of many kinds have been adapted for wizarding purposes and another adaptation of non-magical technology for transport is the flying carpet. These have become less used in recent years. One reason for this was that the pattern of the weaving and embroidery which created the lifting body wings of the carpet was very difficult to maintain in the British climate. A small blemish in the pattern caused by a muddy bootprint could seriously affect their performance and the snagging of an embroidery thread on a passing bramble could cause havoc. In other places , in particular deserts, which are not endowed with forests and have much drier climates, the magic carpet continues to be used. The major advantage of the flying carpet is, of course, its ability to carry multiple passengers and cargo. Unfortunately in the age of aeroplanes the use of magic carpets has declined worldwide.

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